Everything to Know About Live Scan

California law now specifies the specific type of background check your ministry must complete through the California Department of Justice.

How To Respond to First Amendment Auditors

You may have some people visiting your church and filming your congregants to provoke them. They are called “First Amendment Auditors,” and we have a great way to handle it.  What is a First Amendment Audit? First Amendment Auditing is a social movement aimed at upholding the freedom to photograph and record public places and […]

Independent Contractor Agreement – Sample Form

Independent Contractor Agreement

If you engage independent contractors for work, or intend to, you should have a written agreement to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your professional relationship. An independent contractor agreement may help clear up confusion over worker classification, payments, deadlines, taxes, dispute resolution, and more. A well written agreement may also help you avoid disputes and protect your organization from potential liability. Download our sample form here to get you started.

Facility Use Agreement: Downloadable Template

Facility Use Agreement: Downloadable Template

Unsure of what to cover with outside parties when you allow your facility to be used for events or when you partner with other organizations? Check out our sample Facility Use Agreement Form that can help your ministry set expectations and protect itself from a variety of risks surrounding outside facility use.

Transportation Resources: Sample Driver Disclosure Form

Sample Driver Disclosure Form

We know that if your ministry provides safe transportation for your activities – your ministry will be able to better serve your community through its outreach and youth programs. Check out our sample Driver Disclosure Form that can help your ministry protect itself from a variety of risks surrounding vehicle use and operations.